Un marin exceptionnel !

Un marin exceptionnel !

Christian Denuit – La Loévie ARC 2024 Las Palmas Saint-Lucia

C’est lors de la course ARC 2024 Las Palmas Sainte-Lucie que j’ai pu apprécié les nombreuses qualités de Gaëtan. Outre sa grande expertise en voile, que ce soit à la barre, aux réglages, à la stratégie de course, il a démontré des qualités humaines formidables doublées d’une énergie incroyable.

En tant que co-skipper, il a été fortement sollicité durant toute la traversée : montée en tête de mât pour remettre de l’ordre, nombreuses réparations comme par exemple deux winchs, les drosses de barre en mer… Et de plus, il nous a cuisiné des bons poissons ! Bref, un skipper sympa et au top ! Je repartirais bien tout de suite avec lui…

Extensive sailing knowledge, combined with outstanding project management skills

Extensive sailing knowledge, combined with outstanding project management skills

Pelle Norberg, CEO/Skipper, Norberg Yachting AB

Letter of Recommendation To Whom It May Concern, It is with great pleasure that I provide this recommendation for Mr. Gaëtan Thomas, whom I had the privilege of engaging during 2023-2024 for a yachting project involving the commissioning and launch of a newly built Spirit Yacht 68. Throughout our collaboration, Gaëtan demonstrated an exceptional level of professionalism, expertise, and reliability. His extensive sailing knowledge, combined with outstanding project management skills, played a pivotal role in the successful execution of this complex and demanding endeavor. Gaëtan’s ability to navigate both technical and logistical challenges with calm efficiency was highly impressive. His thorough attention to detail, proactive communication, and unwavering commitment to excellence made working with him both seamless and rewarding.

Beyond his technical competence, Gaëtan is a person of high integrity and trustworthiness, fostering a relationship built on mutual respect and confidence. I wholeheartedly extend my highest recommendations for Gaëtan Thomas in matters related to both sailing and project leadership. He would undoubtedly be a tremendous asset to any project or organization fortunate enough to engage him. Should you require further information or wish to discuss my experience with Gaëtan in greater detail, please feel free to contact me via email or phone.

Entière confiance en Gaëtan

Entière confiance en Gaëtan

ESCALE – Phippe Hubert

J’ai fait appel à Gaëtan pour assurer le convoyage de mon voilier de la Guadeloupe vers L’Espagne. Gaëtan m’avait été recommandé par un coach belge propriétaire également.Dès son arrivée en Guadeloupe, Gaëtan a effectué un tour complet de notre « Bavaria32 », mécanique, gréement, sécurité… Il a parfaitement géré I’avitaillement et préparé sa navigation en solitaire vers l’Europe. J’étais totalement confiant de laisser mon voilier à Gaëtan.

En route, il a rencontré de très grosses conditions météo et a toujours pris les bonnes décisions pour lui et pour notre voilier. Très professionnel en mer comme à l’escale, Gaëtan a dû faire face à de nombreux soucis techniques et a été à la hauteur pour résoudre chaque problème (problème moteur, démâtage).

C’est sans hésitation que je recommande Gaëtan pour effectuer un convoyage en gardant l’esprit tranquille. Je lui fais entièrement confiance et je sais qu’il prendra la décision appropriée à chaque situation.

Gaetan, the only one I would trust with my boat period

Gaetan, the only one I would trust with my boat period

Daniel Stotesbery, SY Hindsight, Jeanneau 64, Atlantic Crossing Nov 2020, Relief Captain April 2022

After buying SY Hindsight, a 2015 Jeanneau 64, in the fall of 2020 I needed assistance from a professional captain to help me cross the Atlantic from the Canary Islands to Grenada. I brought Gaetan on as captain and he led me and three other crew on a 17 day 4hr journey. Like on any crossing things broke along the way, but Gaetan was always there with his famous line, “The aren’t any problems, only solutions”. He was able to find fixes, but also taught us along the way as to how and why he was doing things. The whole crew learned a ton from Gaetan as he was always there ready to help with any questions we had, and there were lots as 2 of the crew were not experienced sailors, which put even more demand on Gaetan’s time. He was always thinking of us and the boat, taking the helm during critical maneuvers and during the numerous squalls we encountered along the route. He always went above and beyond to keep his eye on everything. It was a pleasure to cross with and learn from him and he would be my first call if I were to do it again.

Two years later in 2022 when I put SY Hindsight on the market, I asked Gaetan to be my relief Captain for a few months as I had to go back to the states with my family in order to get settled back into land life. Though he didn’t have to take the boat anywhere he was the Gaetan I had grown to know. Over that time he went through the boat and made a lot of necessary fixes that helped it show as a top notch boat with minimal issues. This both increased the value and helped secure a quick sale at a market high price. He has extensive knowledge of the complex systems of a boat of our size and is the only person I would trust with my boat period, full stop. He gives his full heart and knowledge to any project he is on.

Un grand merci pour votre aide énorme !

Un grand merci pour votre aide énorme !

Jova – Luc Van Antwerpen – Catamaran lagoon 570

Vous êtes monté à bord avec moi en tant que skipper dans des circonstances difficiles, alors qu'il y avait un conflit avec mon skipper précédent. Merci beaucoup pour votre intervention afin que ma fille puisse passer de belles vacances en voilier et que nous puissions ensuite faire de belles sorties en voilier vers Malte, la Sardaigne et Palma de Majorque.

Merci également pour les sorties avec les Tofinou 8 et 12. Bravo enfin pour ton convoyage en solo avec le Tofinou 8 d'El Rompido à Palma.

The privilege of sailing with GT!

The privilege of sailing with GT!

Michael Fahy - Clipper race

I had the privilege of sailing with GT on two legs of the Clipper Round the world race, he is a demanding skipper but always knew exactly what was needed in terms of sail plans and tactics, always felt you were sailing with a skipper who knew how to look after the boat for maximum safety and performance.

Letter from the Clipper Race Director

Letter from the Clipper Race Director

Mark Light - Clipper Race Director

Read the Recommendation letter from the Clipper Race Director

Enthousiastic and very capable sailor

Enthousiastic and very capable sailor

SONATA IV – Matthew C Litten

The initial plan during this period was for him to position her from Nieuwpoort, Belgium across to Vancouver, Canada. This plan was changed, by external factors, early in 2013 an as a result he completed two trans-Atlantic sailings and ultimately delivered her back to the UK. Gaëtan’s flexibility and willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty prevented a period of time that would have been hishly stressful and problematic from manifesting.

He remained in control throughout and took the abrupt and dramatic change in requirements within his stride. Prior to his departure, Gaetan completed a full vessel and equipment check and completed anumber of repairs and modification to ensure full compliance with regulations and safety requirements. He carried these tasks out to a very high standard, whist being aware of budgetary requirements and ensuring that all parties were informed as to options and decisions. He maintained a full financial record of all tasks and managed both his and the yachts budgets carefully and accurately. His interactions with suppliers were professional and his interactions with me and my representatives were timely, courteous and information supplied was always accurate and complete.

During both crossings he was responsible for all aspects of crewing and victuals, in addition to having full responsibility for the vessel and all maintenance and any required repairs. The few repairs that were required were carried out to a very high standard and were specialist input was required this was sourced and managed to a very high standard. 

I would have no qualms in recommending Gaëtan Thomas as a yery capable sailor and feel that he would be a valuable and reliable member in any team. His knowledge and skill set both on and off the water is matched by his enthusiasm to learn and continue his development. Should you require further information then please do not hesitate to contact me.